Breakthroughs Create Results: How to Get Your Customers to their “Aha!” Moment ASAP

If you’re selling products or services, and helping your customers get results, then you know that getting your customers to that “Aha!” moment, when they have a breakthrough, is the key.

You want them to feel those feels of elation, satisfaction, and relief as soon as possible after they make a purchase from you. But what’s the best way to achieve this?

Time to First Value (TTFV)

Time to first value is the amount of time it takes for a customer to see the value in what they’ve purchased from you. The quicker they see the value, the better. Why? Because people are impatient! They want results and they want them now. So it’s important to make sure that your product or service delivers on its promises quickly.
There are a few things you can do to ensure quick time to first value for your customers:

1) Set and Manage Expectations from the Start.

If you set the expectation that your product or service will take weeks or even months to show results, then your customers are more likely to stick with it and be patient. However, if you set the expectation that they’ll see results immediately, they’re going to be disappointed if those results don’t manifest right away.

So, if your process will take a while to get the big result, or transformation, that your clients most want, tell them. But, also identify some key steps and milestones along the way, so they can see their path forward. And, ideally, identify some quick wins they can expect in the very beginning.

When they are looking for and see these “little wins”, as they accomplish them, it will build momentum and help them stay on the path to victory!

2) Make it Easy.

While most of us have a process that we’ve evolved and “perfected” along the way, we all know that there are sometimes parts of the journey that might be more difficult and that creates FRICTION.

It’s important to look at your process through the eyes of your customer, and look for any way you can reduce this friction, simplify the steps, and help make the experience as easy and effortless as possible.

3) Offer Support Along the Way.

Of course, it’s not always possible to completely remove the friction from all of the parts of your clients’ experience – so look for these opportunities to provide more support, guidance and motivation along the way.

If you offer support and guidance throughout the clients’ journey, your customers will be more likely to stick with it and see results faster. They’ll also be more likely to continue using your product or service after they see results, because they’ll know that you’re there to help them along the way.

4) Keep them Engaged with Content.

If you keep your customers engaged with helpful content (e.g. blog posts, coaching, social media posts), they’ll be more likely to stick with your product or service and see results quicker. This is because they’ll be constantly reminded of why they purchased from you in the first place and how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.

5) Get Feedback and Implement Improvements.

Finally, make sure you’re constantly getting feedback from your customers and implementing improvements based on that feedback. This will help ensure that your product or service is always relevant and valuable for them, which means they’re more likely to keep using it—and seeing results from it—over time.

The bottom line is this: if you want your customers to have a breakthrough “Aha!” moment as soon as possible after purchasing from you, then focus on achieving quick Time to First Value.

There are a few things you can do to ensure this happens: set realistic expectations; make it easy; offer support along the way; keep them engaged with content; and get feedback and implement improvements based on that feedback.

By following these tips, you can increase customer satisfaction while also growing your business over time!



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